Donโ€™t EVER make this mistakeโ€ฆ

I think at some point we go through a phase where we feel we can handle just about anything, and I mean anything. Let me explain. Last week I became the proud mother of a teenager and as annual tradition in our household dictates, we sat down to go through the family albums. My kids and I sat and oohed and aahed over the photographs … Continue reading Donโ€™t EVER make this mistakeโ€ฆ

Can a soul hurt?

Do you ever feel that the very core of your being is hurting? Do you feel that somewhere deep inside you there is a part of you crying? Do you feel wretched and dejected and don’t see any kind of positivity or light coming your way to lead you out of this dark tunnel of feelings you are experiencing? Continue reading Can a soul hurt?